A dramatic re-telling of the classic sitcom, Bel-Air follows Will Smith’s journey from the streets of Philadelphia to glamorous, privileged world of Bel-Air. As he acclimates to his new life, he wrestles with his past and finds his place in this new city and new environment.
“Like many people we were big fans of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air growing up. It’s been an absolute thrill to work with Morgan Cooper, Carla Banks-Waddles and David Boorstein on this dramatic interpretation. Joining such an amazing team of storytellers & filmmakers has been a real joy and we’ve loved crafting the score to support Will, Jazz, Geoffrey and The Banks Family.
Musically we are fusing together an overall L.A. sound with orchestral underscore, hip-hop, pop, and jazz. It’s an ever evolving process, continuing to grow throughout the season. Hopefully audiences feel the heart and soul we’re all putting into the music and the storytelling.” — Roahn & Jacob
"Musically we are fusing together an overall L.A. sound with orchestral underscore, hip-hop, pop & jazz. It’s an ever evolving process, continuing to grow throughout the season."